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ProBlogger: 8 Reasons You’re Losing Money On Your Blog

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ProBlogger: 8 Reasons You’re Losing Money On Your Blog

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8 Reasons You’re Losing Money On Your Blog

Posted: 26 Jan 2022 07:37 PM PST

The post 8 Reasons You're Losing Money On Your Blog appeared first on ProBlogger.

8 Reasons You're Losing Money On Your Blog

Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash

This is a guest contribution from Larry Alton. 

You spend hours and hours of time each week on your blog, but at the end of the month, there's nothing to show for it in your bank account. In fact, after you add up all of the expenses associated with maintaining your blog, you've actually lost some money.

What's the problem? Here are some possible culprits and what you can do to overcome them.

1. You Never Researched Your Niche

While you need to be interested in the blog niche you choose, personal affinities play a minor role in blog profitability. Ultimately, it's the readers of your blog who determine whether or not you're successful. If you never researched your niche prior to launching your blog, then it's likely that your root problem is a lack of demand for the content you're producing.

"If you're committed to building a popular and profitable site, you'll have to write, read, and talk about your topic almost every day for the next several years. You'll invest thousands of hours, quite literally gambling with your time," notes.

"The question is, how will you approach it? Will you start writing and hope someone notices you? Or will you carefully research your niche, looking for the precise angle that will make your content irresistible?"

While CopyBlogger is obviously giving advice to bloggers who are just getting started, it's never too late to consider the questions they ask "after the fact." If you never researched your niche and are merely hoping someone notices you, then consider this your answer for why you're losing money. You'll either need to scrap your blog altogether and launch a new, better researched one in the future or find a way to overhaul your current blog.

2. Your Blog Isn't a Priority

There are a lot of lazy bloggers out there. Nobody's calling you lazy, but if you're losing money on your blog, you may want to consider the possibility that you aren't ambitiously chasing success.

We've all seen article headlines that read "Here's How I Make $24,343 Per Month Blogging from Home" or "I Was Able to Quit My Job After Blogging for Two Weeks." Unfortunately, these articles are highly misleading and designed to generate clicks, not impart actual wisdom. But the negative byproduct of these headlines is that people incorrectly assume that you can make money laying on your sofa and writing a couple of blog posts each week.

Successful bloggers work hard. In fact, they work really, really hard. They often put in more hours each week than traditional salaried employees at major corporations. So, if you're only dedicating a few hours per week to blogging, you aren't making it a priority in your life. Perhaps, that's why you aren't making money.

3. You Aren't Willing to Invest Time and Money

When blogging isn't an actual priority in your life, then you fail to commit the necessary resources to make it successful. The most obvious areas where this reality shines through are time and money. We already discussed the fact that blogging takes time in the last section, so let’s turn our attention towards money.

You have to think about your blog like an investment. As the saying goes, "It takes money to make money." In other words, if you want to generate revenue, you're going to have to put up some of your own money to get the engine lubricated. (There are obviously some exceptions to this, but for the most part, you'll have to pony up some capital.)

The reason you haven't put up money is because you aren't totally confident in your blog. This goes back to pre-launch research. If you do your research and find a niche that you believe is capable of being tapped into, you'll be more than willing to invest your time and money into it.

8 Reasons You're Losing Money on Your blog |

Photo by Atlas Green on Unsplash

4. You Have a "Come and Find Me" Strategy

One of the more prevalent issues surrounding unprofitable blogs is what we'll call the "Come and Get Me" strategy. In this strategy (or lack of strategy), bloggers simply publish content and then wait for visitors to stumble upon it. (Hint: This very rarely happens with blogs that aren't already established.)

You need to replace this strategy with the "Go-Getter" strategy. Under this approach, you'll proactively go out and draw people to your blog. In other words, you develop a strategic lead generation strategy that draws readers into your content. Thankfully there are plenty of ways to make this happen. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Use Google AdSense. "If you've got a blog, you can quickly and easily monetize it using Google AdSense," Coupon Ninja points out. "It's totally free to use, and with it, you can place small, mostly inconspicuous ads on your blog. When visitors click on an ad, you get a few cents; if your blog gets a lot of traffic, those clicks can add up quickly."
  • Share on social media. Social media is great because it's free. If you already have a significant following on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, you can disseminate new posts and encourage people to click back to the articles. You can also use targeted hashtags to reach people who don't already follow you.
  • Feature other bloggers. One interesting strategy is to mention other bloggers and blogs in your content. Most bloggers have Google Alerts set up for their names and will notice when you highlight them. As a result, they may share your post with their own networks (or reach out to you in the future).

These are just a few tactics. There are literally dozens of other lead generation techniques for bloggers. Research all of the opportunities and don't be afraid to get creative.

5. You Don't Have a Profit Funnel

If you want to profit from blogging, then you need a plan. Specifically, you need a profit funnel or sales funnel. This funnel provides a step-by-step plan for how you'll move individuals from blog visitor to customer.

Every blog profit funnel is different, but you should follow the basic outline of the traditional sales funnel. At the top of the funnel is awareness. At this stage, people are just discovering who you are and what your blog offers. Next, there's interest. At this point in the funnel, the individual not only knows about your blog but is interested in what you're saying. Third, comes a decision. The individual makes the decision that they are going to purchase what you're offering. And finally, there's action. The visitor follows through and makes a purchase.

The goal of a profit funnel is to move your blog visitors from awareness to action. It's not easy, but it's necessary to spend some time developing a specific plan that resonates with your audience and customers.

6. You Don't Actively Network

If you aren't actively networking with other bloggers and industry leaders, then you're missing out on a major opportunity to get your name out there and forge lasting relationships that will ultimately help you monetize your blog.

"Networking with bloggers just like yourself is of the utmost importance. Why? Because it means that you will be able to further promote your website – and they, in return, can further promote theirs," says one blogger. "Building connections and forming relationships is important when it comes to promoting yourself online, but you do have to make sure that you start off by giving them the right impression."

The issue most bloggers have is that they confuse the idea of networking with harassment. Sending out generic spam emails to a bunch of bloggers isn't networking, and tweeting at someone a dozen times in two hours isn't networking.

In order to successfully network, you need to show the other party that you're interested in who they are and what they do. You can do this by posting thoughtful comments on their posts, sharing their articles on your social media accounts, referencing their articles in your own posts, etc. Then, once you've established that you aren't just a leech looking to take advantage of someone, you can reach out directly and try to spark a relationship.

7. Your Writing is Poor

If everything else seems to be fine, then you may have to turn your attention towards the quality of your writing. While it can be difficult to accept the fact that you aren't the next Hemingway or Twain, the reality of the situation is that many bloggers simply can't produce quality content. Hire a copywriter or send some of your work to a trusted individual and ask for an honest opinion.

If you aren't a great writer, this doesn't mean all hope is lost. Blogging is equal parts writing and marketing. It helps to be a good writer, but you can always focus your attention on the marketing portion while partnering with a writer.

8. You Fail to Apply Knowledge

The final reason you're losing money on your blog is that you don't take action. You'll read an article like this that clearly exposes some of your flaws and you don't feel strongly enough to apply what you've learned.

If this article teaches you anything, you need to be calculated and strategic in everything you do. Don't merely consume content. Consume content, digest it, and then apply that energy towards actively improving your situation.

It's Time to Reverse Your Approach to Blogging

Whether you've been blogging for six months or six years, you shouldn't be losing money on your blog. If you are, then something is seriously wrong beneath the surface. Chances are, one of these eight culprits is to blame.

Reverse your approach to blogging and find out how you can start making money.


If you do want to build a profitable blog and transform your blogging hobby into an income-generating business, check out Problogger’s Make Money Course (one of the Four Pillars of Blogging).


Larry Alton is an independent business consultant specializing in social media trends, business, and entrepreneurship. Follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

This article was first published on Jan 12, 2017 and updated Jan 27, 2022

The post 8 Reasons You're Losing Money On Your Blog appeared first on ProBlogger.


ProBlogger: One (Surprising) Blogging Resolution You Should Make for 2022

Posted by work smart 0 comments

ProBlogger: One (Surprising) Blogging Resolution You Should Make for 2022

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One (Surprising) Blogging Resolution You Should Make for 2022

Posted: 19 Jan 2022 08:35 PM PST

The post One (Surprising) Blogging Resolution You Should Make for 2022 appeared first on ProBlogger.

One (Surprising) Blogging Resolution You Should Make for 2022

Photo by Lucas Lenzi on Unsplash

It’s the start of a brand new year, and chances are that at some point you made some New Year's resolutions.

As a blogger, you may have set yourself some goals (SMART goals are something I recommend) such as:

  • “I want to double my traffic.”
  • “I want to create an ebook to sell on my blog.”
  • “I want to write five posts a week (and publish three) so I can get ahead.”
  • “I want to grow my email list.”
  • “I want to redesign my blog.”

These are all great goals that will help you achieve in some area, or perhaps eliminate a problem or bad habit. But they all focus on what you want to achieve as a blogger. There’s another key element you may want to include in at least some of your goals.

Your readers.

Instead of thinking about what you want to achieve in 2022, try thinking about what you'd like your readers to achieve. What resolution would you like to set for them?

Setting a Goal or Resolution for Your Readers

One approach you can take to come up with a possible goal for your readers is to think about removing negatives. Ask yourself questions like:

  • “What kind of pain could I help eliminate from their lives?”
  • “What bad habit could I help them get rid of?”
  • “What mistake do you want them to stop making?”
  • “What obstacle could I help them overcome?”

You can also can look at it from a more positive angle with questions like:

  • “What can I help them achieve in the year ahead?”
  • “What good habit can I help them develop?”
  • “What positive change could I help them bring about in their lives?”
  • “What goal can I help them reach?”

Think about your readers. You might want to go back to your reader avatars, or even think about the individuals who commented on your blog or emailed you about your posts.

Who are your readers? What are their pains, obstacles and problems? And what are their hopes and dreams?

Identify one thing you can help your readers work on in the year ahead.

Why Helping Your Readers Helps You Too

Of course, there's nothing wrong with setting your own goals for more traffic, income, comments and reader engagement. But flipping it around and looking at the change you want to see in your readers may also take care of some of your own goals.

Pinpointing how you want to help your readers during 2022 will help you work out:

  • What content to produce: what posts could inspire your readers, for instance?
  • What products to create: what would help your readers move forward?
  • How best to promote your blog and attract new readers.

Write Down a Resolution for Your Readers (and Use It)

What's your goal for your readers in 2022? Write it down, ideally in a single sentence.

If you're struggling to come up with a goal for your readers, ask them what they’d to achieve (in relation to your topic). You could ask on Facebook, or even run a survey.

Once you've written down that resolution, put it somewhere you look every day. For example, you could put it next to your computer so whenever you sit down to write it reminds you of what you're trying to help your readers achieve.

That resolution might be the starting point for:

  • A weekly post that hones in on the problem or goal you're trying to help your readers achieve
  • An extended blog post series
  • Discussions you have with your readers on social media
  • Launching a Facebook group to help your readers achieve that particular goal
  • A course, an ebook, or even a membership site.

You might want to announce the goal you'll be helping readers work towards, especially if they helped you choose it.

For instance, you could say, "Since sending out that survey, I've thought a lot about what I want to achieve with this blog in 2022. And I’ve decided I want to help you…" and then state whatever it is you'll be helping them achieve.

I'd love to hear what goals you come up with for your readers in the year ahead. Please share your ideas in the comments below.


If focusing on your readers really inspires your blogging (TIP: it should), I build upon these ideas further in my my 31 Days to Build a Better Blog Course which explores how your blog will make a difference to your readers and leads into monetization strategies by looking at what your readers need.

This post was first published on Jan 10, 2019 and updated Jan 20, 2022

The post One (Surprising) Blogging Resolution You Should Make for 2022 appeared first on ProBlogger.


ProBlogger: How to Set SMART Goals for Your Blog in 2022

Posted by work smart 0 comments

ProBlogger: How to Set SMART Goals for Your Blog in 2022

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How to Set SMART Goals for Your Blog in 2022

Posted: 13 Jan 2022 12:00 AM PST

The post How to Set SMART Goals for Your Blog in 2022 appeared first on ProBlogger.

How to Set SMART Goals for Your Blog in 2022

Photo by Ricardo Arce on Unsplash

This post is based on episode 218 of the ProBlogger podcast.

It's been a very long year, and like most people you probably can't wait for it to be over. And with the new year just around the corner, now is a good time to set yourself some blogging goals for 2022.

Setting goals is important if you want to grow your blog. It will help you focus your time and energy on what's most important. And knowing what you'll be achieving will give you some added incentive to keep going.

Getting SMART about setting goals

There's a lot of information out there about goals and how to set them. One of the most popular methods is to base them on the SMART acronym, which stands for smart, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. And that's the one I'll be referring to in this post.

But I'll be attaching a few more words to some of those letters to make it more specific to blogging.

S is for…

To start, your goals should be as specific as possible. Don't set vague goals like, "I want more traffic for my blog," or, "I want more money from my blog," or, "I want to post more often." How much more traffic do you want? How much more money do you want? How often do you want to post?

Instead, work out exactly what you want to achieve:

  • "I want to double the amount of traffic I had this year."
  • "I want to make $50,000."
  • "I want to publish a new post every week."

Not only are these goals far more specific, they also satisfy another criterion that starts with 's' – significant.

As I said earlier, setting goals is important if you want to grow your blog. But don't start making them just for the sake of it. You should be setting significant goals that will get you closer to your long-term goals.

Want to make a million dollars from blogging? You probably won't get there in a year, but you can certainly set yourself a goal ("I want to make $50,000.") that gets you closer to that lucrative figure.

Want to get a book deal? You may not get one this year, but you can certainly set yourself a goal ("I want to publish a new post every week.") that will get you closer.

You should also come up with goals that are significant to you. Maybe you want to make $50,000 so you can buy a new car or your first home. Now that goal is a lot more significant, and you're going to be more motivated to achieve it.

M is for…

Next, your goals need to be measurable. As Peter Drucker once said, "If you can't measure it, you can't improve it."

The specific goals I mentioned in the previous section are also measurable because it's easy to work out whether or not you achieved them. At the end of the year you'll know whether you doubled your traffic, made $50,000 or posted something new every week.

Not only that, you can work out how well you're tracking and, if necessary, make some adjustments. Let's say your goal is to earn $50,000 in a year. That works out to be $4,166 a month, or $137 a day. And so at any time during the year you can compare how much you've made with how much you should have made to see how well you're meeting your target.

And when you're planning your goals, keep another M word in mind – meaningful. You're far more likely to achieve your goal if it means something to you. I once talked to a blogger whose goal was to raise $10,000 for school of orphans in Africa. It had nothing to do with growing her blog, but she'd visited the orphanage a few years before so it was a meaningful goal for her.

A is for…

Your goals should stretch you, and make you work hard. But they should also be achievable based on the situation you're in.

If you can only blog in the evenings because of work and family commitments, you probably shouldn't set a goal to publish a new blog post every day. Even publishing once a week might be pushing things too far. You may be better off setting a goal to publish a post once a fortnight to start with, and then see how well you're tracking after a couple of months.

Setting goals you can't actually reach can actually hurt your blog. You may be far less motivated to keep going, and even if you do keep going the quality of your content may drop, which can damage your brand.

By all means stretch yourself, but don't bite off more than you can chew. When you're creating your goals, take the time and resources you have into account. What you'd like to be a one-year goal may need to become one of your long-term goals instead ­– at least to begin with.

And if you're part of a team, then your goals should also be agreed-upon. That means not only letting everyone know about the goals you'd like to achieve, but also getting them to take those goals on board so you can all work together to achieve them.

R is for…

Chances are you'll be making a number of goals for the year. But once you've created them all, check to make sure they're all still relevant. You may find that some of them clash with others, or have already been covered in other goals. And some may just be a little bit before their time.

Back in 2015, one of my goals was to run an event in the US. We have a lot of readers in the US, and so I thought it would be a worthwhile goal. But when I looked at all the goals I wanted to achieve that year, I could see that the work involved in running an event in the US would affect some of my other goals. And so I decided to put that particular goal on hold.

Two years later I took another look at my list of goals, and I could see how we could run that US event. In the intervening years I'd met some people who could help us make it a reality. So I freed up some time in my own schedule to work on it, and the result was our Success Incubator event.

Just because a goal isn't relevant at the moment doesn't mean you should discard it completely. You may simply need more resources, contacts or prep work to make it a success.

T is for…

Finally, your goals should be time-bound. In other words, they need deadlines.

This not only makes your goals specific and measurable, it also helps you work out how you're going to reach your goal.

For example, if your goal is to publish a blog post every Friday then you can work backwards to work out when you need to finish your research, when you need to finish the first draft, and so on.

One tip with deadlines: Try to space them out, rather than putting them all at the end of the year. That way you won't be facing a pile of deadlines at a time when you should be winding down rather than speeding up.

Spacing them out also means you'll be achieving goals regularly, which can do wonders for your motivation.

Over to you

What are your goals for 2022? And what long-term goals will they be helping you achieve? Let us know in the comments.


This post was originally published on: Dec 17, 2020 and updated Jan 13, 2022

The post How to Set SMART Goals for Your Blog in 2022 appeared first on ProBlogger.


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