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ProBlogger: The 5 Forgotten Keys to Extraordinary Blogging Success

Posted by work smart

ProBlogger: The 5 Forgotten Keys to Extraordinary Blogging Success

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The 5 Forgotten Keys to Extraordinary Blogging Success

Posted: 06 May 2011 06:05 AM PDT

This guest post is by Mr. Self Development of Mr. Self

Success is not the result of luck, chance, or coincidence.  Success comes when an individual decides to follow the principles of success.

The principles of success will produce success every time.  So today I want to talk about five success principles that will result in successful blogging.

1. Get motivated

"Motivation is the fuel necessary to keep the human engine running." ~Anonymous

Motivation is like water: you don't fully understand its importance until you don't have any.  Nothing happens without motivation.  You can have all of the talent, all of the time, and know all of the blogging success principles, but if you don't have the motivation to turn your blogging dream into a reality, it doesn't matter.

You must have a vision that motivates you.  If you've lost your passion, get a new vision to re-ignite the ashes so your blogging dreams burn bright again.

2. Work harder

“Success comes before work only in the dictionary.” ~Anonymous

Successful bloggers don't just work harder than other bloggers: they work much, much harder.

To be the best, you have to give your very best.  One of my favorite quotes is by Greg Evans. He said, "I do not have superior intelligence or faultless looks.  I do not captivate a room or run a mile under six minutes.  I only succeeded because I was still working after everyone went to sleep."

There is no success without very hard work.  Thomas Edison said, "Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and it looks like work."  Don't miss your opportunity because it looks like work.

To succeed in blogging it's going to take hard work, and a lot of it.

3. Fail

“If at first you don't succeed, try not to look too surprised.” ~Anonymous

In blogging as in life, failure is not only certain, but it's necessary.  It's necessary for your growth, and it's necessary for progress.  Your failures will make you better, sharper, and more relevant; your failures are your teachers and they will qualify you for success.  So embrace failure, learn from failure, fail some more, and then dust yourself off, look up, and succeed.

Les Brown has a saying: "When life knocks you down, try to land on your back, because if you can look up, then you can get up!"

You will certainly encounter failures in your blogging ventures, but remember, if you can look up, you can get up.  You can learn from those failures and emerge victorious.

4. Do what you ought

“If you would live your life with ease; do what you ought, not what you please.” ~Anonymous

It's easy to do what you please, but to succeed you must do what is necessary.  You must create the habits that cause success.  If you can create the habits that produce success, then success is assured.  Labor to understand the habits of the successful, and then work to make their habits your habits.  Study the successful bloggers, and then get in the habit of doing what they do.

5. Be willing

“Success: willing to do what the average person is not willing to do.” ~Anonymous

Anyone can write a good blog post, but everyone's not willing to write a good blog post every day.  Successful people do what the unsuccessful are unwilling to do.  Not what they are incapable of doing, but what they are unwilling to do.

To succeed in blogging, you must do what others are unwilling to do.

And it's not about discipline; discipline is a highly overrated limited resource.  To succeed you must be willing and committed to creating the right habits.  When you create the right habits, your habits will carry you to blogging success.

What other factors do you believe play into your success as a blogger? I’d love to hear about them in the comments.

Mr. Self Development is an author who teaches a motivational and practical guide to success. Please visit him at Mr. Self

Post from: ProBlogger Blog Tips

The 5 Forgotten Keys to Extraordinary Blogging Success


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