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ProBlogger: Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?

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ProBlogger: Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?

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Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?

Posted: 10 Mar 2017 05:00 AM PST

ProBlogger Reading Roundup: Blogging news

I don’t mean to scare you this week about trolls and dropping off the face of Google, but it can happen – and forewarned is forearmed, as they say. I’ve got some good news sprinkled in, just in case ;-)

Why I’m leaving Snapchat and so are all your friends | Owen Williams

“We've all moved to Instagram Stories. I never thought I'd do it, but eventually, as I used it more, I found Instagram's rip-off of Snapchat to be more authentic. Suddenly, instead of checking one app for beautifully manicured photos, and the other for raw feeds, I could get everything in one place… and it actually worked better.”… it was bound to happen, but still sad all the same!

5 Principles For Beating Analysis Paralysis | Josh Earl

Well, there is something to be said for just getting stuck in an doing it, rather than worrying about it.

When bad stats are a good thing | Builtvisible

It probably won’t help you when you’re just starting out and thinking you’re miles behind on traffic and stats, but it can be reassuring and motivating when you hit a slump.

Are food bloggers fuelling racist stereotypes? | BBC

One to think about.

A Look at Blogging Industry Stats from 2016 [Infographic] | Tech.Co

18.7 million people are blogging on blogging and social media platforms currently, and more are slated to begin. I found the info on lead generation and key words to be interesting.

Adele – and the importance of authenticity | Mel Kettle

As Mel says – it’s way easier to be yourself instead of someone you’re not. Keeping up the pretence, especially in blog form, is unsustainable. And being inauthentic does nothing for growing dedicated fans who trust you.

Why Your Customers Deserve Personalized Responses on Social Media | Entrepreneur


Our experiments taught us why people troll | The Conversation

The experiments included analyzing 16 million comments made on and conducting an online controlled experiment, and the results were varied -and interestingly, people who might not have chosen to troll in the comments section were swayed by existing negative comments, and decided to troll instead. And this has a flow-on effect to other commenters, and subsequent comment threads.

Podcasting is the new blogging | Business News

And how do we all feel about that? What happens to folk who write words and the readers who once read them?

SEO Rankings Drop: A Step-by-Step Guide to Recovery | Moz

Do you know what you would do if this happened to you? It happens more often than you think – Darren once lost 80% of his traffic literally overnight.

What caught your eye this week?

The post Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately? appeared first on ProBlogger.



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