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ProBlogger: 27 Awesome Ways to Get People to Listen to You

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ProBlogger: 27 Awesome Ways to Get People to Listen to You

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27 Awesome Ways to Get People to Listen to You

Posted: 28 Apr 2012 07:09 AM PDT

This guest post is by Nick Thacker of

I've been creating stuff lately—blog posts, articles, tweets, videos, ebooks, etc.—and I realized something:

The biggest struggle I've had during it all was getting people to listen.

While blogging and submitting articles, leaving tons of comments, and submitting guest posts, can garner an initial positive result, it's tough to keep at it. I wanted to share a few ways I've found to really get people to listen.

How to get people to care, listen, and take action

1. Ask

I can think of no better way, and no way that's led to more open doors, than simply asking people to do something. Sure, it takes guts—but that's why you're different. You have the guts—go ask!

2. Advertise

If you want a measurable and controllable result, give advertising a shot. It may not be perfect for your niche, but chances are there's at least something you can advertise in some way. Most pros say to give it at least six months, too, so if you don't have the funds, this may not work. Check out Project Wonderful for dirt-cheap ads that have gotten me results in the past.

3. Guest post

We all know this one, so there's no use recounting all of its benefits here. Suffice it to say there have been many successful blogs that have used this strategy almost exclusively to get attention.

4. Share

Almost anything can be shared—blog posts (as in guest posting), ideas, network leads, products, etc. Which leads me to:

5. Joint ventures

JVs are great for getting your message out to huge lists of people, for the price of sharing your profits with another marketer. Check out the Warrior Forum for an entire board dedicated to JV opportunities.

6. Create a video has been writing a lot more on using video content lately, and I know I've done a few trailers for my own book as well—with much success.

7. Create an infographic

Neil Patel of QuickSprout has used infographics, sent to major blogs and news sites to use exclusively (for a backlink, of course!), and it's gotten him plenty of great traffic—and lots of attention, as well. Take time to create a graphic that's compelling and telling for your market, and see where it goes!

8. Write an ebook

Just about every blogger has, or aspires to create, an eBook. These days, having an ebook is almost expected—where's yours?

9. Self-publish a book

Having a "real" book tends to lend credibility to our efforts—being able to have a print copy of someone's work in hand really does "feel" different than an electronic copy. Check out Amazon's KDP Select program, Lulu, and CreateSpace for more.

10. SEO

I like to think of SEO as one of those "slow-drip" strategies to get attention—it takes time to build, but it's almost essential in competitive industries. I recommend Glen's post over at if you're doing SEO on WordPress.

11. Use the 80/20 rule

Pareto's law states, "…For many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes." To use this in your own marketing, try to promote other people 80% of the time, and your own work 20%. This establishes you as a connector and sharer of helpful content, not as a spammer.

12. Build a platform

Essentially, all of these tips can help you build a platform, but if you focus on actively building a brand, slowly but surely, chances are you'll stick around longer—and people will pay more attention to you!

13. Leave more comments

Leaving more comments on blogs you read regularly does two major things: it gives you a link back to your site (no matter what your stance on "rel=nofollow" is), and it starts a conversation with the site owner or author of the post. Trust me when I say many blog owners will recognize their repeat commenters—be one of them!

14. Leave better comments

We've all heard the rule: leave lots of comments, and people will visit your site! Well, yes and no—they'll see you quite often, but unless you really make a concerted effort (read: spend more than 30 seconds) on crafting and submitting a thoughtful, value-adding comment, people won't care about you or your cool blog.

15. Write epic content

Corbett Barr, author of ThinkTraffic, says we need to write "more epic stuff" (I'll let you click through to his exact words…). I've said we need to write "more epicly" (because I love epic, made-up adverbs, I guess), and it's true. Gone are the days of 500-word-or-less posts giving generic and thoughtless advice. Take time to craft your work, edit it, and then expound on your thoughts some more. Add in images, pictures, infographics, and more. Then edit and do it again. Then you're ready to hit Submit.

16. Article marketing

Article marketing seems to have fallen off a bit after the infamous Google updates, but sites like E-zine Articles and GoArticles certainly are not going anywhere. Use them to further promote your work—your off-site SEO can greatly benefit from some well-crafted, useful content. Don't go overboard, and be sure to maintain your consistently great writing style—remember: the Internet is forever!

17. Write pillar posts

The first time I'd ever heard of a "Pillar" post was right here at ProBlogger. It makes perfect sense, too—if I visit your website, right now, what articles are going to serve as my "Start Here" roadmap through your muse/meme/world? Guide me like I'm a first-time visitor to your market, and tell me—through general, broad-form Pillar Posts what I can expect to find on your site. Here's an example of one I wrote on social media for writers.

18. Start a newsletter

If you plan to be online for an extended period of time, you should really consider growing an email list of subscribers, and sending them an enewsletter regularly. Newsletters have been proven to bring in more authority traffic and ready buyers than most other marketing methods, because you've already qualified them as leads.

19. Start a podcast

I'll admit—this is one area I haven't tried out yet. But podcasting is not something that's going to go away anytime soon, either, and if you're a bit more technically inclined (or if you own a Mac), you can start podcasting almost immediately. Some of my favorite authors run very successful podcasts. And I hear that ProBlogger will be running a post on the topic in the next couple of weeks…

20. Write more

This one's simple: let your writing be its own platform. The more saturation throughout your market you have, the more opportunity there is for people to find you.

21. Blog less

Maybe getting more attention needs less of your attention? Follow blogs like ZenHabits and to get your head in the game. Minimalize, simplify, and relax: those of us working 80+ hour weeks probably don't want to! Focus your energy on those things that really matter. Remember the Pareto principle.

22. Do something ridiculous

I like to think Tim Ferriss is so well-liked because of the fact that he does things not many of us do. If you set out to do something spectacular, you'd better believe we want to hear about it! Even better: do a video blog journaling your experience.

23. Be controversial

The idea that all press is good press may not be entirely true, but there's something to be said for being staunchly defendant of a topic. Instead of posing neutral concepts, get on one side or the other. People may hate the post, but they'll come back for more.

24. Send follow-up emails

This is something I've started doing more and more, recently—almost to the point of being annoying. Follow my blog, I'll send an email. Say yes to my guest post idea, I'll shoot you a thanks. Buy something from me—you got it! A "thank you" email is on its way. Doing this is just giving a little bit of personal attention to your network, and they will reciprocate.

25. Add value everywhere

Forget this tip at your peril. No one likes a conceited or arrogant person, and online it seems that anonymity has made this even easier. Figure out how to help one person, in one small way, every day. Then help them.

26. Sell something

When people have something to sell, I'm usually more apt to think of them in higher esteem. Even if the product looks terrible—hey, they went through all the trouble to create it, right? (I might not ever buy it, but they do carry more authority because of it…)

27. Do something for free

And the best one of all: even though we won't always admit it, "free" is sometimes expected. This behavior isn't justified, but it exists. Cater to the expectations of your market by offering something to them for free. Your blog doesn't count.

Maybe you've tried every single one of these ideas—in that case, I'd love for you to comment and let us know how they went! But I'm sure there are many, many other things you all can think of to add to this list. So, let's get to it: leave a comment with more ideas, and we'll keep the list going. Maybe one day I'll turn it into an awesome infographic!

Nick Thacker is a blogger, writer, and author of fiction thriller novels. He likes to hack his life to be more productive, live better, and write the best he can. You can check out his site at, or subscribe to the newsletter here.

Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger

27 Awesome Ways to Get People to Listen to You


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